CBSF sp. z o. o. (Food Supplement and Pharmaceutical Research Center) was established to support manufacturers in developing and producing supplement and pharmaceutical products with the utmost safety and advancement. The company conducts rigorous testing to ensure the safety of these products and confirm their chemical, physicochemical, and biological properties. By partnering with CBSF, a dynamic interaction is established between entities that are focused on developing and offering advanced products to meet the needs of modern consumers. These consumers are seeking safe and proven supplementation solutions beyond the established formulas assigned to standard products available on the market.
The tests conducted by CBSF on the purity, stability, and bioavailability of products enable us to expand the producers’ offer and provide proven and research-validated solutions that are highly sought after by conscious consumers in today’s market. If you aspire to continually enhance your products, seek new solutions, and enhance your analytical skills regarding the properties of manufactured products, we cordially invite you to collaborate with us.